(Think Death Star with cold, Hoth-like weather conditions.) We've known Oscar Isaac's Poe Dameron was in one of the old Rebel Alliance (and now Resistance) ships since the very first teaser last year, but now we see him giving orders to "Red Squad" and "Blue Squad" - with his helmet, we're gonna assume he's Black Leader. What is noteworthy, however, is seeing who's in the cockpits of some of those X-wing fighters making a run on the First Order's Starkiller Base. (The little droid BB-8 doesn't seem to be enjoying the trip, however.)

Pretty much everyone's flying in this new round of footage, including Rey (Daisy Ridley) piloting the Millennium Falcon - and not doing half bad. But haven't we seen it all yet? NO WAY, DARTH JOSE! Another day, another Star Wars: The Force Awakens TV spot.